Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Random Thoughts

Recently read an interesting fact about moth...
"Moths are not attracted by the light, they are attracted by the dark spot just behind the light source."

Aren't we all like the moth throughout our lives... We keep on running behind the light of love, fame, money, happiness, but what we get after reaching the light is just a dark spot... where you find yourself standing alone... light is just so near, but still unreachable...

How to bridge the gap between the light and the dark spot has always been a mystery. It takes a life's span to resolve it and even when you do, you will find out that you have missed all the moment that would have been precious while trying to resolve this mystery. Is it really a mystery or have we complicated it to this much extent by the way we live our life bounded in so called rules of human kind. Rules were once made to make human life more worthy, disciplined, but what if at some point of time you find out that it is these rules that is taking your life away, sucking away all that was originally yours and leaving behind an aim to follow the rat race... upon which I remember one quote by Alexander Pope, a forgotten poet from London of 18th century....

"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
Each prayer accepted, and each wish resigned."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

unwishing the truth to be seen...

Dedicated to the best man of my life that noelse can ever have in the way that i did...

the world of colors, is now a world of lies
i lived there once and got to die twice...
what remains unsmelled and untouched all through
i wonder, if he is watching me over the skies...

the hand that i held, now that is gone
shine of the time, seems to all frown...
ahead is path of uncertainity and deception
every step that i take, moans all alone...

i wish i would be dreaming, wake up someday to find
all that i am wishing now, is the only accepted of mine
opening the eyes every morning and in the night
to see myself keeping you unvanishing, unmistakable and untimed

wondering what went wrong, stealing the memories to unsee
how far you have went, how badly i want to undo this to be
silence is falling down for words are losing their way
with an unrevealing, unexplainable wound...
living this illusion to keep you with me always